“There are good people who do good things, there are bad people who do bad things, but to get a good person to do a bad thing takes religion.”
- Bill Maher -
“The countries that have the money to offer large cash awards to the families of suicide bombers, or to send little boys to madrasah’s, the prep schools of hate, are getting that money from people using lots of oil.”
- Bill Maher -
“I don’t hate America. I love America. Thomas Jefferson lived in America. Mark Twain lived in America. So did Billie Holiday and Frank Lloyd Wright… and a lot of other people Sarah Palin never heard of.”
- Bill Maher -
“When you tolerate intolerance, you are not really being a liberal.”
- Bill Maher -
“Religion is bad, drugs are good.”
- Bill Maher -
“If you have a gun, you can rob a bank, but if you have a bank, you can rob everyone.”
- Bill Maher -
“It is being reported that a third of the world watched the royal wedding – and yet they claim gays are only 3 pct of population?”
- Bill Maher -
“What do you think would happen if tomorrow Obama showed up with Kanye’s crop circles shaved into his head? Stock market would lose 5,000 pts.”
- Bill Maher -
“It’s very hard not to be condescending when you’re explaining something to an idiot.”
- Bill Maher -
“Religion is insanity by consensus.”
- Bill Maher -
“”Ha, we’re changing Operation Iraqi Freedom to Operation New Dawn – sounds like a Twilight movie – we’re not occupiers, we’re sexy vampires!”
- Bill Maher -
“Men are only as loyal as their options.”
- Bill Maher -
“I don’t want my president to be a TV star. You don’t have to be on television every minute of every day – you’re the president, not a rerun of ‘Law & Order’.”
- Bill Maher -
“I do think the patriotic thing to do is to critique my country. How else do you make a country better but by pointing out its flaws?”
- Bill Maher -
“George Bush, compared to these tea baggers, he looks like a professor.”
- Bill Maher -
“The battle for good health is won on the cellular level”
- Bill Maher -
“It’s amazing, the world now has more oil than it has places to store it. Even Don Jr.’s hair is at capacity.”
- Bill Maher -
“Don’t get so tolerant that you tolerate intolerance.”
- Bill Maher -
“The Pope has a Facebook page. That’s true, I’m not making that up. What’s creepy is that under the relationship status, he put ‘It’s complicated.'”
- Bill Maher -
“There’s a reason small towns are small. No one wants to live there.”
- Bill Maher -